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130 Funniest Mexican Jokes & Memes [All-Time Leaderboard]

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There’s a saying in the comedy world: either everything can be funny, or nothing can be funny. We hope this collection of the world’s best Mexican jokes falls in line with the “everything can be funny” angle. We kept them short, kept them sweet, and kept them spicy!

“It’s ok to laugh at each other sometimes, as long as after all the ignorant jokes, we actually respect each other.”

And please, we mean these in good fun. The next group we joke about might be yours!

1. To Warm Up, A Few Funny Mexican Memes

Before looking at our funniest Mexican jokes leaderboard, we wanted to show you a few exclusive memes that we think you will love:

netflix and chili jokes

The Juan jokes are some of the next Mexican jokes. We have a few hilarious ones on this page. For example:

9 juan juan mexican joke

We all know who the richest man is in the US, but who is the richest Mexican?

jeff pezos meme
hot guys and girls but tacos joke
Joke: where can you still get gas today for only $1.89? Taco Bell...

View the rest of our Mexican memes: World’s 41 Funniest Mexican Memes or keep reading to view our best all-time Mexican jokes!

2. The Funniest Mexican Jokes (All-Time Leaderboard)

Push your idea0/2000

“It’s ok to laugh at each other sometimes, as long as after all the ignorant jokes, we actually respect each other.”

3. Other Funny Mexican Memes

Jokes are good, but we have put together for you a ton of memes. Let’s start with a couple of “Juan” jokes because we never get tired of these for some reason:

juan night stand meme
juan got away joke

Of course, immigration is going to be a topic for a lot of good memes:

uno mexican meme

What borders on stupidity?
Mexico and Canada… 🙂

cross country mexican meme

We love Mexicans because they are so hard-working. But of course, you will still find a few good job-related Mexican jokes – in good fun.

mexican ghostbusters

We are really thankful to Jesus.

thank you jesus mexican joke
santa claus joke

Mexican food is the best. Let’s TACO-bout it:

don't want to taco-bout it

Click here to view our World’s 41 Funniest Mexican Memes or keep scrolling for more Mexican jokes and funny comedian videos with Mexican jokes.

Joke: A man sees a Mexican book store and decides to go inside because he’s never been to a Mexican book store before. He asks the owner “Do you have the Trump book on his foreign policies with Mexico?”
The owner responds “F*ck off – you get out and you stay out”.
The man responds “Yes!, that’s the one!”.

4. The Funniest Mexican Jokes VIDEOS 😂😂😂

If you enjoyed our leaderboard of Mexican jokes, you will enjoy this video selection even more.

I Love Mexicans! Loco Comedy Jam.

We also recommend this quick comedy video – “I love Mexicans!”:

Diego gets mugged

Diego gets mugged by a prejudiced thief. but Diego is just as prejudiced:

Mexican Jokes by Juan (Video)

Our own Juan is going to run you through rapid-fire Mexican jokes from his beach in Cancun. Watch this 2-minute video featuring some of the best Mexican jokes:

Comedy Time: That Mexican Look

Asian-American John Wynn, jokes about himself: “You know you have to get into a diet when you eat yourself into a new ethnicity. That is not good. I either look like a fat Asian guy. or a regular Mexican.”

The Mexican R*cist Gift Basket (Gabriel Iglesias)

Gabriel Iglesias shares his experience in Mobile, Alabama, where someone in his audience gave him… a gift basket.

5. Best Mexican Jokes Shared on Social Media

Below is a selection of the best memes and jokes shared on social media:

late night discussions on garden chairs mexican meme

In English: “My mom is so fake, bro, because my dad was calling and she said “oh what the f*ck”, and then she answered: “what’s going on my love?”

giant bouncy castles

Let’s End in Style with More Mexican Jokes

doctor suggests trying juicing to a mexican
a balanced mexican diet is a taco in one hand - joke
avocado joke
never sad with taco in hand joke
boy or girl? ... tacos
angry woman with spicy mexican food meme
mexican gangster starter pack

6. Jokes about the Mexican Wall

Joke: Over the past few years, since Trump first talked about building the wall between Mexico and the United States, there has been an increase in depression among Mexicans. Mexican psychotherapists have reported that many Mexicans will never get over it.

r/memes - Don't need any New Mexicans
Credit: u/ameen__shaikh
guess who is climbing mexican meme

Trump’s wall will cost $21 billion. NASA, the US space exploration agency, only has a budget of $19 billion. But this makes sense: Mexico has more aliens.

When Trump Visited Mexico…

Mexican actress Ana Brenda recommended that Mexican president blocks Trump at the border (“Come on, Mr. President (Mexican), make the migration joke and do not let him enter, and you will be a national hero”).

7. Jokes About Mexican Cartels

mexican meme showing man driving away after selling flour to drug cartel in mexico
mexico drug bust

A Mexican cartel decides to send a blonde woman to Colombia to get a pack of coke. She comes back with Pepsi.

Keep Laughing:

funniest mexican memes link

Ready for more Mexican humor? Discover the “Mexican Words of The Day” Memes.

‘The “Mexican Word of the Day” meme is a humor-based meme format that plays on words to create puns. The memes present a regular everyday English word, and humorously reinterprets it in the context of a stereotypical Spanish-speaking scenario. View our Top 40 “Mexican Word of the Day” memes.

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