Just when you thought it was safe to sound the all clear, Donald Trump returns like a bad ex. This orange virus continues infecting millions. What he lacks in intellect, class and humility, he more than makes up in absurdity. Until the vote vaccine is available, laughter is our temporary cure.
We’ve put together the most hilarious jokes and memes highlighting the former Whiner In Chief. Sit back and relax on the Donald Trump Laugh Express because when it comes to Donald Trump, you’re always taken for a ride.
July 13th 2024 – Trump rally’s incident
Authorities identified Thomas Matthew Crooks as the person who made an attempt at Trump’s life on July 13th, 2024.

Of course, most democrats know that political violence is never an acceptable solution, as it undermines democratic principles. Crooks turned out to be registered republican.

This attempt at Trump’s life was scarily CLOSE. It was just a matter of inches. A couple of inches.

When you don’t understand the Assignment
byu/tearose11 inmemes

May 30th 2024 – guilty!
After losing the popular vote in the US presidential elections in 2016 and 2020… Trump finally wins the popular jury vote 12/12:

Melania was surprised that the Justice Department was looking out for her personal interests in this Stormy Daniels scandal:

Donald Trump is guilty of faking records to cover up his scandal with Stormy Daniels. Michael Cohen paid Stormy Daniels a sum of money shortly before the election, possibly violating campaign finance laws. And guess who the judge was?

The NY Times revealed that Trump has been indicted:

The Twitter world loved the news, of course:
‘Home Alone 2: Lost in New York’ star Donald Trump has been indicted on criminal charges. pic.twitter.com/lzlF3bLgKi
— DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm) March 30, 2023
And people started using AI tools to generate FAKE images of Donald Trump being arrested:
Making pictures of Trump getting arrested while waiting for Trump’s arrest. pic.twitter.com/4D2QQfUpLZ
— Eliot Higgins (@EliotHiggins) March 20, 2023
Trump is about to hear about the Miranda rights:

We can also thank Jimmy Fallon’s very funny music video (over 180,000 likes):
More legal issues are going to get to Trump due to his obstruction about releasing classified documents from Maralago:

Court troubles (over 600,000 likes!)
Watch this video from Jimmy Fallon about Donald Trumps’ recent problems in 2024:
How is the January attack at the Capitol like the large intestine? They are both linked to the butthole.
One day Trump saw that someone had pissed “Trump Sucks” in the fresh snow covered White House Lawn. Absolutely enraged, he ordered the Secret Service to investigate. A few days later, the Secret Service Director stated “Mr President, I’ve got some good news and bad news. The good news is that the DNA test of the urine confirms that the culprit was Mike Pence. “That SOB!”, shouts Trump. “I’ll have him hanged! So, what’s the bad news?” “Well”, says the Director, “It was in Melania’s handwriting.”
But let’s now get to the all-time funniest Trump jokes and memes!
The Best Trump Jokes
Why is Trump’s hair like wearing a thong? They both barely cover the *ssh0le.
A doctor in Washington DC shares “COVID-19 is not a joke and should be taken seriously… A former patient of mine was so brain damaged afterwards that he wrongly believed he’d won an election that he actually lost by 7 million votes.”
Jokes about Trump and Mexico
What’s the easiest way for Trump to deport every Mexican in the U.S.? Juan by Juan.

Why does Trump’s doctor prescribe anti-depressants? Because he is prone to His-panic attacks!
Jokes about Donald Trump and Obama

Trump and Obama at the barber shop:
By accident, Barack Obama and Donald Trump ended up getting a shave at the same barber shop at the same time. They each had their own barber. The barbers were nervous, as perhaps things would get nasty. Trump’s barber was almost done and was getting ready to use an after-shave as a final touch. Donald was quick to stop him, saying, “I’ll pass. After-shave have a strong smell. My wife, Melania, will smell it and think I’ve been in a whorehouse.” The other barber then said to Barack, “How about you, Mr. Obama, any after-shave?” Barack replied, “Sure, why not, my Michelle has no idea what a whorehouse smells like.”
Do you remember when Donald Trump raised hell to ask Obama to reveal his long-form birth certificate back in 2014-2015?
A political commentator announced on air that he had good news and bad news about the elections. The good news is that President Obama’s long-form birth certificate confirmed that he was indeed born in America. The bad news is so was Donald Trump.
When Obama Roasted Trump at a White House Diner
This short video, from 2011, is well worth watching. Take a look:
Great jokes about Trump and Religion
‘Trump & the Pope’ joke
When Trump met the Pope at a public event, the Pope told him that he had a special religious power in his right hand. With a horizontal gesture, he could make the entire crowd go crazy with unbridled glee. He said that people would be filled with happiness for the rest of their lives whenever they remembered this day. Trump replied, “I find that hard to believe. Show me this gesture now!” So the Pope slapped him.
‘Trump in Hell’ Joke
Trump, unfortunately, passed away and arrived in hell. He’s welcomed by the devil who says Trump has 3 options: he must pick one of 3 rooms and stay there for eternity. The devil opens the first room, where George Bush Sr is pushing a rock up a big hill. Once he is at the top of the hill, he lets the rock go down and has to start all over again. Horrified, Trump says “No thank you, I can’t do manual labor.” The devil then opens a second door, where Richard Nixon (The Watergate US President) is seen, profusely sweating, with a lump hammer in his hands. His job is to break rocks until the end of times. Trump says “I can’t do that either, I deserve so much better. Mr Devil, do you realize how much I have loved and helped people? I have helped millions of people”. The devil acknowledges Trump’s comments and says “Fair enough. I have a special door for you then”. He opens the door to a room where John F Kennedy is just standing at his desk, pants down to his knees. Marilyn Monroe is right there in front of him, giving him a lot of pleasure. Excited, Trump says “That – I can do. Thank you for listening to me. You are the best.” The devil then says “Ok, Marilyn, you are done. You’re getting replaced.”

On Judgement Day, two forever Trumpers meet God at the pearly gates and God asks them if they have any questions. One says “yes, please tell us the true results of the 2020 presidential election.” God tells them that the election was not rigged and that Biden won the presidency fair and square. The guy turns towards his friend and whispers, “looks like this fraud goes higher up than we ever imagined”
Can The World Survive Another Trump Presidency?

Trump had a cringe-worthy moment when a baby cried and screamed at his rally. He shouted, ‘Get the crying baby out of here.’ It backfired when his own security detail forcibly removed him from the stage.
‘Trump & the Genie’ Joke
Donald Trump finds a lamp in the basement of Mar-a-lago. It is dusty, but looks like the best lamp ever. A tremendous lamp. So he gets excited and rubs it to dust it off. A genie comes out. The genie: “Thanks for freeing me… it is now my duty to grant you three wishes. Anything you want.”
Pleased, Trump is quick to ask: “everyone is trying to put me in jail. I want you to get rid of the Justice system.”
The genie, a bit worried, responds “ok, fine… but you can’t make any other wishes.”
Trump, angry, protests: “you told me I had 3 wishes.”
Genie: “ok, so sue me.”
Why are conservatives still Trumpers? They believe in carrying a baby to full term.
Trump vs Hillary Clinton back in 2016: I knew it would be a tight race. The U.S. had never witnessed an election quite like this. On one hand, you had a controversial, hysterical b*tch, and on the other hand, there was Hillary Clinton.

It came out that Russians stole opposition research on Donald Trump. Russia, why would you go to such lengths? Everyone knows that if you want damaging information about Donald Trump, just wait for him to open his mouth.
Trump Riddle:
Kiefer Sutherland has a large one. Jet Li has a tiny one. Rihanna doesn’t have one. The Pope has one but isn’t really supposed to use it. Donald Trump has one, and uses it all the time and everywhere!
What is it?
A last name.
Do you remember the time when Trump tripped on the Air Force One staircase? See image below:

In 2016, a political poll asked prospective voters who they would support. The results had Hillary with 43.0%, Trump with 38.0% and … an apocalyptic meteor heading toward earth with 13% (The option, originally included in the survey for fun, ended up with more votes than expected): nothing says hopeless more than when a total of 51% (38%+13%) of people are fine with the world ending “because of a giant destructive orange ball” (Stephen Colbert on his daily show).

Donald Trump promised he wouldn’t take any vacations during his presidency. As it turns out, it’s not such a big gesture. He’s offended so many countries that no one will accept him outside the U.S.
Choosing your political party in the US is just like driving an automatic car:
Choose ‘R’ to go backwards.
Choose ‘D’ to go forward.

Donald Trump likes to claim that his candidacy has caused more interest in voting. He’s right, more people are signing up to vote. It’s just like VD is causing more interest in penicillin.
It is my hope that when we reflect on the Trump years, it will be like Y2K. We thought it was going to be the end of the world, we p**ped our pants, and in the end it was a bunch of nothing with the exception of a mob storming the Capitol with the desire to assassinate the Vice President.

Before running for president, perhaps Trump should set his sights on a lower position first like spokesperson of the Hair Club for Men.
How is Trump similar to a phone-sex operator. He always benefits from whispering dirty little r*cist fantasies Republicans want to hear.

Donald Trump is a Walking Nightmare
George Washington couldn’t tell a lie. Bill Clinton couldn’t tell the truth. Donald Trump doesn’t even know the difference.
Billy Bush of NBC ultimately lost his job for his words on the Trump tape. It’s hard to believe that we are at the point where there is a higher standard for host for third hour of the Today show than there is for a presidential nominee.
Related Post: View the 25 Best Trump Memes.
If Trump doesn’t win the presidency, perhaps he could be the press secretary. Imagine how fun that would be. “Kim Jong-Il is a big loser. His last rally had a very small crowd. What a failure! I feel bad for President Ahmadinejad the sad leader in a windbreaker. No fashion sense, no class. As for myself, I have my own line of top-quality ties. Be sure to mention my name and you can get a discount at Kohl’s in the flammable section.”
Why is Trump going to put a large potato in his underwear on January 20? So that on day 1 he would be the world’s biggest ‘dicktator’.
Kellyanne Conway dared Republicans to decide whether or not they support Donald Trump and ‘stop pussyfooting around. That’s the worst choice of words since Abraham Lincoln’s famous last words, ‘I need slavery like I need a hole in the head.
Trump is the new horror movie. Any woman who hears Tic Tacs shaking in someone’s pocket knows it’s time to start running.

For years Donald Trump was saying that Obama’s birth certificate may be fake. Perhaps the guy who has fake press conferences shouldn’t be in charge of deciding what’s real.
Donald Trump never apologizes and believes that he’s never wrong no matter what comes out of his mouth. It’s like he is the White Kanye West minus the rhythm.
One day a kid asked Donald Trump what the J in Donald J Trump stood for. He replied “Genius of course”.
Is Donald Trump for Real?
Before being chosen, Trump signed a loyalty pledge saying that he would endorse the winner of the Republican nomination, and not run as a competing independent candidate. When Donald Trump makes a vow, he keeps it. Just ask any of his wives.
Leaked medical information confirmed Trump’s medical deferment, “inter-rectum cranial inversion” or in layman terms he had his head stuck up his a**
Donald Trump once fired Corey Lewandowski from his campaign position. Trump claimed Lewandowski was controversial, impulsive, and short-tempered — but he’d certainly make a wonderful vice president.
Democrats know that Trump didn’t invent racism. That’s too bad because if he had, it would have already gone bankrupt.

Donald Trump wants to be president because he’s fed up with the rest of the world laughing at the United States. Well, a presidency headed by Trump will definitely put an end to that!
What nation does Trump consider to be Number 1?

Related Post: View the 25 Best Trump Memes.
There were clues Trump might be an incompetent. Don’t forget that he was so inept that bankrupted his casino. Casinos are the only places where the house always wins!

Trump tested positive for COVID. It’s the only test he ever passed without cheating.
Donald Trump always had some nasty words to say about Arizona senator John McCain. Can you fathom being tortured five and a half years as a prisoner of war and then taunted by a man whose biggest wartime accomplishment was brokering a peace treaty between has-beens on Celebrity Apprentice?!
What did Trump say to Biden when they bumped into each other? Pardon me.
What trait does Trump and his father have with Putin? They all have the worst judgement when it comes to pulling out.
Donald Trump promised to only take $1 as his salary instead of the usual $400,000. This goes to show you that there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to avoid paying taxes.
Trump may be filthy rich, but apparently, nobody told his accent. He has a first-class life, but once he opens his mouth you can tell he’s from coach.
Many people say Steve jobs could’ve done a better job in the White House than Trump. That’s hard to say because you are comparing apples to oranges.

Trump sees his temperament as his strongest suit. It’s too bad that the suit is also made in China and prone to defects.
Do you know why Trump prefers a chickpea over a lima bean? He’s never been caught having a lima bean on his face.
Want to know who has more self-control over what comes out of their mouths than Donald Trump? How about schizophrenics with dyslexia?
Many believe that Trump can’t be stopped. He’s like Godzilla minus the good looks and foreign-policy experience.
Read more: Best 25 Trump Memes.