Insensitive humor can be entertaining for some people – including us! If you’re interested, check out these popular orphan jokes and memes and consider sharing them with your friends. We have pieced together more than 100 orphan jokes into this collection for you to read. We hope you enjoy it!

An orphan is sitting all by himself on a curb, wearing dirty clothes. A man walks by and asks: “hey, little boy, are you an orphan?”. The boy responds “yes, what gave me away?”. The man responds without hesitation: “Your parents.”
Why are orphans usually bad at dodgeball? Because almost no one ever misses them.

Why can’t orphans truly understand the world of Ancient Egypt? Because they won’t know what a mummy is.
Why can’t orphans watch PG movies? Because parental guidance is required.
What’s an orphan’s favorite movie? “Home Alone”.

What do blind kids and orphans have in common? Neither of them ever sees their parents.
Why did the orphan love to play with a boomerang? Because it actually comes back.
I built a new website for orphans. It’s a bit hard to navigate because it doesn’t have a homepage.

What TV series does an orphan hate? Family Guy.
Why was the orphan’s first phone an iPhone X. Because that particular phone didn’t have a home button.

What’s an orphan’s favorite motivation quote?
Go Big or Go Home.
This little girl was all alone and crying. I went to comfort her and asked her where her parents were. I know I work at an orphanage, but I just couldn’t help it.
Why are there only 363 days in an orphan’s calendar? Because they don’t have Father’s Day or Mother’s Day.

At school, a little kid is making fun of an orphan classmate, and starts making up new orphan jokes to tease him… his friend kindly asks him to stop because his parents might complain. Oh… Nevermind.
Why doesn’t Johnson & Johnson hire any orphans? Because it’s a family-oriented company with family values.

Why do orphans enjoy going to church? So they can have someone to call father.
There is an upside to being an orphan… every bag of chips is “family size”.

If you’re ever bored, you can slap an orphan. What are they going to do anyway? Tell their parents?
How do you make an orphan’s hurt his hands? Ask him to clap his hands until his parents get home.

Why do orphans like getting kidnapped: because someone actually wants them.
This orphan was able to travel all around the world for a full year. He just never became homesick.
What is the difference between an apple and an orphan? At least one gets picked.

Why can’t orphans do homework? They don’t have a home to do it at.
Why did the orphan become a prostitvte? They wanted someone to call daddy.
Friend: Knock knock.
Orphan: Who is there?
Friend: Not your parents.

Kid: “I wish I could be like Batman!”.
Genie: “Sounds good. Your wish has now been granted!”. But nothing happens.
So the kid goes back home… where he is going to find both of his parents dead.
Why do some couples make their status “single” on Facebook after an argument? …
I don’t put “orphan” after I get into an argument with my family.

Well, I’m off to the orphanage to tell “Yo Mama!” jokes.
What is an orphan family portrait called? A self-portrait.
Why can’t an orphan get suspended or expelled from school? Because they need to contact the parents.

How does E.T have an advantage over orphans? E.T can actually phone home.
What’s an orphan’s favorite spiderman movie? Spiderman – No Way Home.
C’mon man, give the orphans a break with these jokes. No, not until their parents pick them up.
What do you call a virgin from Alabama? An orphan.

Never tell an orphan about a family matter, they wouldn’t understand.
What song do orphans hate the most? “We are family”.
Can orphans eat at a family restaurant? No.
A girl and dog get dropped off at an orphanage, but why was the girl crying before she went in? Because the people came back for their dog.
Welcome to Dave’s orphanage. You make it. We take it.

So there’s an orphan in a hospital and the doctor walks up and says “Sorry kid, but this is a family hospital”.
Why do orphans play Minecraft? So, that they can at least build a home.
The cemetery should be built next to orphanages, so the orphans can see their parents.

Tell a dark joke to an orphan, then hit them. They’ll get the punchline right away.
What is an orphan’s favorite event? The Homecoming Dance.
Why do orphans have water with cereal? Because their dad never came back with the milk.

Why can’t orphans eat a large bag of chips? Because the bag says family size.
As siblings, we always joke about being adopted, but it stops being funny when you are playing in your parent’s room and find both of your adoption papers.
Why can’t orphans go on an away trip? Because they already are on one.
What are the differences between an orphan and Pikachu? Pikachu, I chose you!
It’s April Fool’s Day. I’m gonna go to the orphanage and tell kids their parents are here to pick them up.
One day an orphan threw a boomerang and it never came back, just like their parents.
Why was the orphan walking through the neighborhood? I don’t know, because it’s not like he has a home to go to.
How many orphans does it take to screw in a light bulb? None, because they don’t even have a home.

Why do orphans hate going to Costco? Because they need a parent to get samples.
Why did the male orphan decide to be gay? Because he wanted someone to call daddy.
How do orphans have a family reunion? They look in the mirror.

Why do orphans love the new iPhone? Because it no longer has a home button.
I’m a family doctor and I wish I could help but… you’re an orphan.
What’s missing in an orphanage computer? The motherboard.
Why can’t the orphan play the game of life? They don’t know what a family road trip is.
Why did the orphan commit mass murder? To be on top of the wanted list.
Do want to know why they call it an orphanage? Cause they couldn’t call it an orphan home.
An orphanage got robbed yesterday, let’s just say that’s the second worst thing to happen to those orphans. At least they didn’t end up like their parents.
Why do orphans like to play Grand Theft Auto 5? So they can feel ‘wanted’.
New Teacher: I was an orphan as a kid.
Students: We are sorry
Teacher (taking attendance): Is everyone here today or is anyone missing?
A student: yes, someone is missing: your parents
Why are orphans so good at tennis? Because that’s the only ‘love’ they get.
What do you do when you see a sad orphan? Nothing, just let them wait for their parents.
What’s the difference between criminals and orphans? Only one is ‘wanted’.

This orphan watched a documentary for hours, and was fascinated by the discoveries… the show was called Family Feud
Why do this orphan become a serial killer? to become ‘wanted’ by somebody.