In this article, we have compiled the best Helen Keller jokes. In the process, we reviewed a LOT of jokes. A lot of them were offensive and we just had to screen them out. Oh, Helen Keller would not have been with these jokes… IF she could hear or read them 😊
A Quick Word About the Accomplishments of Helen Keller
Helen Keller was a disability rights advocate and author that inspired millions around the world. She lost sight and hearing before she turned 2, but defied all odds to become the first deaf & blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts.
She traveled the world to 35 countries, became a prominent advocate for the rights of blind and deaf people and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Lyndon B. Johnson. Check out her 10 major accomplishments which include publishing 12 books (including her well-known autobiography).

We also encourage you to support and donate to the Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund.
But let’s get to the jokes now!
The Best Helen Keller Jokes and Memes
Before we start with the all-time leaderboard of the best Helen Keller’s jokes, we just have to say it:


Now let’s (finally) look at the leaderboard! See below:
Helen Keller Jokes All-Time Leaderboard
- 132
- 125Literally...
I can't find anything to wear today
- 123
- 121Helen Keller was truly an inspirationHelen Keller was an inspiration... she was able to learn how to read and write... despite being from Alabama.
- 118
- 116
- 115Sign language swearingWhat did Helen Keller's parents do when they caught her swearing when she was a child? ... They washed her hands with soap.
- 112Bad practical jokeWhat’s the worst practical joke friends did to Helen Keller? They left the plunger in the toilet.
- 110
- 105Helen Keller's accomplishmentsI will not allow anyone to minimize Helen's accomplishments... If you say she only became famous due to blind luck, your claim shall fall on deaf ears...
- 103
- 102Tree house
Did you know that Helen Keller had a tree house?
- 102This Tennis game is pretty closeWhat do you call Helen Keller and Ray Charles playing tennis together? ... Love forever.
- 101Helen Keller's autobiographyHelen Keller published 12 books. Her autobiography is particularly inspiring and gives you a new perspective about this world. The audiobook is absolutely unintelligible though.
- 98Helen Keller Knock-Knock jokeFriend A: I know a funny Helen Keller ‘knock knock’ joke... Can you start? Friend B: ‘knock knock’. Friend A: Stares at Friend B with a blank look.
- 97BikingWhy did Helen Keller ride a broken bike? ... She didn’t see anything wrong with it.
- 93PunishmentsHow did Helen Keller’s parents punish her? By moving her bedroom’s furniture around.
- 90Retail sales person helpingWhat did Helen Keller say to the retail sales person who wanted to help her? “I’m just looking”.
- 88Football (The Browns)
Source: |
- 79Why is it okay to tell Helen Keller jokes?Why is it okay to tell Helen Keller jokes? Because she can’t hear them anyway!
- 76
- 73On the plus side...
there are some benefits
- 71Leg problemsWhy was Helen Keller's leg often wet and yellow? ... because her dog was blind too.
- 70Confusing Helen KellerHow do you confuse Helen Keller? ... You move the furniture around and glue door knobs to the walls.
- 66
- 63
- 59Her husband was often upsetWhy did Helen Keller's husband often become upset with her? Because she just didn't listen.
- 55
- 55Helen Keller's kitchenFriend A: What did Helen Keller’s kitchen look like? ... Friend B: I don’t know... Friend A: She did not know either.
- 52
- 52Helen Keller's punchingWhat do you call Helen Keller punching someone? ... Senseless violence.
- 48
- 46
- 39Why did Helen Keller cross the road?Answer 1: Why did Helen Keller cross the road? She tried to walk from her office to the living room... Answer 2: What, like she knows where she’s going!
- 37BasketballHow did Hellen Keller’s friends mess with her? They handed her a basketball and told her to “read this book”.
- 33Psychic abilitiesIf Helen Keller had been a psychic, would she have called it ... a fourth sense?
Helen Keller Tweet Jokes
Below are a few more tweet jokes selected just for you:

Hellen Keller’s video jokes
Helen Keller in Family Guy, the popular cartoon:
and watch this funny video of comedian Tony Hinchcliffe heckled over a Helen Keller joke. Very funny, although Tony could have shown a bit more respect and empathy.
and Helen Keller interpretation on Saturday Night Live. Forrest MacNeill becomes Helen Keller.
Wednesday 1st of June 2022
Why did Helen Keller wear skin tight pants? To clearly read her lips