There are certain things that it makes sense to go through, declutter, and organize at certain times of the year.
I don’t really plan it this way, but I usually end up going through things in the fall (before we hunker down for the winter) and in the spring (to freshen up the house).
In general, I think it’s great to go through items from the spring and summer once the weather gets colder.
The reason for this is that it was just the prime time to use outside toys and wear summer clothes. If we didn’t end up using something, it’s still fresh in my mind and I might be ready to get rid of the things that we didn’t need all spring and summer long.
3 Things You Need to Declutter This Fall
Outdoorsy Stuff
Pool and Beach Toys
Like I said before, it was just the prime time to use pool and beach toys. If you didn’t use certain items all summer long, do you really need them?
Keep at eye out for floats that are leaking air, broken items, or toys that your kids are too old for now.
Yard Tools
Take a look through your yard tools and look for things that are broken or worn out. Our gardening gloves are in pretty rough shape.
Also take a look at your lawn mower or other things with a motor. You might not need to declutter them, but you might need to make sure they get a tune up before you need them in the spring.
Scooters, Bikes, Roller Blades…
Declutter anything broken beyond repair or anything that will be too small for your kids to use next year.
Related Posts:
Questions You Need to Ask to Declutter Clothing
Questions to Ask to Finally Declutter Your Books
The 1 Thing You’re Forgetting to Do When You Declutter
Clothes & Shoes
If you didn’t wear it in the last six months (during prime swimsuit season), do you really need it?
Shorts, Capris, Summer Dresses…
Again, if you didn’t wear it in the last six months, do you need it? I’ve got some shorts that fit but I just never wore. They’re not my favorite so I unconsciously avoid wearing them unless everything else is dirty.
Check for clothes that will be too small for your kids next year too.
If you have items that need to be replaced or bought in different sizes, now is an amazing time to snag some clothes on clearance so that you’re ready for next year.
Did you wear all of your sandals? Do they fit? Are they comfortable?
Before you get busy with the holidays coming up, take a bit of time to declutter the toys in your house.
Your kids are probably about to get a whole bunch of new toys for Christmas, so it’s a good idea to clear out as much as you can before that happens and you get overwhelmed.
For sure keep an eye out for anything broken.
If your kids are old enough to be involved in the decluttering, I heard a great idea the other day. You can explain that before they get any new toys for Christmas, they need to get rid of a certain amount of toys so that other kids can enjoy them. We don’t have kids but this sounds like a great idea to me.
Related Posts:
Decluttering: Where to Start When You’re Drowning in Clutter
16 Ways to Simplify Your Life Today (in 30 minutes or less)
⇒ What are your decluttering plans this fall?
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Lan Hoang
Friday 21st of October 2016
Wheww.. what a list. I have gone through half of them
Friday 21st of October 2016
Great work!
Wednesday 19th of October 2016
Great list! I just got done decluttering my sweaters and shorts as I switched them out. I really need to go through the yard tools, that's a great idea! Thanks for the motivation!
Wednesday 19th of October 2016
Thanks Kristal!
Patricia @ Grab a Plate
Saturday 15th of October 2016
Oh! Such great tips! My biggest problem area is my office and my kitchen (so many gadgets)! But, I'll say it makes me feel so much better once it's done! :)
Saturday 15th of October 2016
Kitchen gadgets are tough! Especially the ones you only use a few times a year but they're so handy.
Erin | A Welder's Wife
Saturday 15th of October 2016
I love your list! I have not every thought of decluttering things at a season's end... Maybe that is because I typically declutter twice a year and never gave that idea any thought. I think it is great! I need to declutter my swimsuits, because I think I may have one or so too many. I like to declutter the decor I am putting out for fall at this time. I will display either what I have space for or want to use, and make decisions on the rest. Most of the time, I am tired of using a certain piece or fall out of love with it. This year was the first year I have decorated for fall since we have downsized, so I decided to donate about half of my pieces. Not having space for everything really helps you hone into what pieces you really love to look at, and helps you decide what you really want to use each year and part with the rest.
Saturday 15th of October 2016
I got rid of a ton of decor and I was actually really excited to decorate for fall because what I have left are my absolute favorites.
Friday 14th of October 2016
Awesome tips! I've lost count of how many times I've tried to declutter my garage this year and failed. Maybe your tips will help me out this time around!
Friday 14th of October 2016
Garages can be terrible! You've probably made some progress already though, even if it doesn't feel like it. You can do it!