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How to Live on One Income


Tips on how to live on one income from real families! There's even a real family budget and ideas from a single mom too. They talk about how to survive on one income so that you can be a stay at home mom. Just what I needed!

I love talking about how to live on one income! Austin and I have lived off of one income for most of the years of our marriage, either by choice, because one of us was sick, or because one of us was in school.

Right now, he works full time and I’m technically a full time blogger, though my income varies greatly and wouldn’t usually be considered a “full-time income”.

It can feel impossible to live off of one income if you’re used to two, but it’s absolutely possible. The benefits really need to outweigh the sacrifices that you’ll probably make (like driving older cars, spending less on fun stuff, and maybe needing to live in a less expensive location).

You can take a look at our current monthly budget right here. 

If you’re not sure how to get started with a budget, this is the fastest way to create your first budget.

I found these great youtube videos that lay out some helpful tips for living on one income. Some of the tips are mentioned in a few of the videos, which probably means they’re super important. It’s also interesting to hear different perspectives from different families and how they make it work.

How to Live on One Income

This next one shares their actual real life budget! ⇓

The video below shows some tips for budgeting as a single parent ⇓

Related Posts:

How & Where to Cut Your Budget

13 Ways to NOT Spend Money

How We Saved Hundreds of Dollars in 2 Months

Do you live off of a single income? What are your tips?

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