Top 150 Messed-Up And Offensive Jokes And Memes
Messed-up and offensive jokes can be something people use to help them laugh at a bleak situation they’re facing or to get through really tough times. Either that or they …
Messed-up and offensive jokes can be something people use to help them laugh at a bleak situation they’re facing or to get through really tough times. Either that or they …
Ah, the Anti-Joke. Defying conventional humor with anti-climactic non-punchlines, and yet still managing to tickle our funny bones. Some say that Anti-Jokes are underappreciated, but that’s definitely not true on …
Gentlemen, many women say that a great sense of humor is something they look for in a partner, so if you can make your lady laugh from the moment you …
We have gathered funny riddles of every kind from across the internet here for you to enjoy at your leisure or share with friends, family, and colleagues! Just about anyone …
The state of Ohio is known for Columbus, the Wright Brothers, the Buckeyes, and Neil Armstrong… And now for these thirty-three hilarious jokes and memes too! Ohio fun facts & …