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200+ Questions to Ask your Girlfriend (From Cute to Naughty)

We know it’s not always easy to strike up a conversation. You may overthink- where do I begin? Does my mouth look weird when I talk? Are they interested? Is what I’m saying making sense? Relax. We’ve got your back with numerous questions that can spark interesting conversations whether they be innocent, fun or sexy.

Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend on a Date

couple on a date on a boat

This first set of questions is meant to help you make the most out of a first date. They’re light, fun and hopefully will be useful in getting to know the person you’re talking with.

  • Over or under for toilet paper?
  • Where’s your favorite spot in your hometown?
  • Who was your favorite teacher?
  • What musician do you listen to most often?
  • What is the most recent television series you have binge-watched?
  • What television series do you return to most often?
  • What is a TV show you’ve every single episode of?
  • What was the best summer you ever had?
  • What is your favorite quote?
perfect week-end question
  • What is the most embarrassing fad you ever took part in? (music fad, fashion fad, etc.)
  • What is a country you are most excited to visit?
  • What is a country you would never want to visit?
  • What’s the most amount of money you’ve ever spent on a single item?
  • What is a flavor of potato chips that should exist but doesn’t?
  • Who is your favorite actress and actor?
  • If you got to meet your favorite celebrity what would you say to them?
  • What is the most random fun fact you know?
  • Showers at night or in the morning, or both?
  • Have you ever walked out of a movie at the movie theater? Why?
  • Do you prefer to spend more money on experiences (vacations) or objects (purses)?
  • What is your favorite music to dance to?
  • What is your least favorite movie genre?
what countries have you traveled to
  • Do you prefer hot summer days, or cold winter evenings?
  • What is your best “party trick”?
  • What is your most “useless” talent?
  • What topic have you read the most books about?
  • Do you listen to podcasts? What are your top 3 favorite podcasts?
  • What is more important: friendships or romantic relationships?
  • How many friends would you say you have?
  • What is your favorite holiday? Why? What about your least favorite?
  • Have you ever stuck with a New Year’s resolution?
  • What was the busiest time of your life?
  • Have you ever had any weird jobs? or bosses?
  • Choose one cartoon character to run the world- who and why?

Questions to Understand Your Girlfriend Better

man getting to know his girlfriend

Yabba Dabba Doo! You asked the right questions which led to further dates and now you find yourself in a honest to goodness relationship! But now the task is to keep your foot on the gas and keep the communication going. Here are more questions to ask the person you’re now in a relationship with.

  • Do you have a “type”? Am I it? Or am I different?
  • What’s most important to you in life? What makes you the happiest?
  • What’s the one thing you would want to change about me?
  • Do you think that opposites really do attract? Or do you disagree?
  • How long did it take for you to realize you had feelings for me?
  • Which of my friends is your favorite?
  • What is the biggest personal accomplishment in your life?
  • If we had multiple kids, would you want all boys or all girls? Or a mix?
  • What are a few personality traits you look for in a guy?
  • What do you think the best way to get to know someone is?
  • Where would you love to see yourself in 5 years?
  • What kind of job do you want to do in the future?
  • What’s a perfect retirement for you?
what is the hardest you have ever laughed?
  • If we had a couple’s name, like Bennifer, what would our’s be?
  • What is the biggest thing you miss about being single?
  • What is the best thing about having a boyfriend?
  • What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever witnessed?
  • What do you remember most about the first time we “got intimate”?
  • Do you think you trust more people or more people trust you?
  • Do you consider yourself a good secret keeper?
  • If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
  • If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?
  • What is the biggest success of your life?
  • What was the biggest failure in your life?
  • Do you think a younger version of yourself would be proud of your current self?
  • What is the best vacation you have ever had?
  • What were you like as a kid?
  • Who is your favorite relative?
  • What would be the perfect life for you in a few years?
interesting question about relaxing after work
  • Who is the biggest role model in your life?
  • What was your favorite snack to eat after school when you were a kid?
  • What is the best birthday gift you have ever received?
  • What is the best birthday gift you have ever given?
  • How would you describe our relationship in three words?
  • What’s a fun “inside joke” you have with your friends?
  •  How do you feel when we’re apart?
  • What did your childhood bedroom look like?
  • If you could relive one day of your life over again, what day would it be?
  • Do you typically like my outfits? Or could I improve?
  • What’s an adventure you’ve always wanted to go on with me?
  • What is the biggest “red flag” in a relationship?
  • How do you know when a relationship is going to last?
  • Do you feel safe with me? Comfortable?
  • Is cheating a deal breaker, or can couples work through it?
  • Do you feel heard in our relationship?
  • What have you learned from your past romantic relationships?
  • When you are upset what makes you feel better?
  • How many people have you said “I Love You” to in your life?

You can also check out these questions: “how well do you know me questions

Fun & Funny Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

couple laughing together and having a good time

You’re having fun and you want to continue having good time with your girl, your lady, your boo. Take a look at the following questions meant to not only start up a fun conversation, but are sure to elicit some good laughter as well.

  • Do you think you could eat more tacos or slices of pizza in one sitting?
  •  Hypothetically, how many toddlers do you think you could fight off?
  • Would you spend one night in a haunted house for $1,000,000?
  • If you had one superpower, what would it be?
  • Which scary monsters (ghosts, vampires, werewolves, etc.) do you think are real?
  • If you had the traits of one animal, but stayed in your human body, for one day. What animal would you choose?
  • If you found $100,000 in a bag at a bus stop, what would you do?
  • What kid’s game should grownups still play from time to time?
  • How many ducks would it take to defeat a T-Rex?
  • What would be the absolute worst name for a new brand of Peanut Butter?
fun question about zombies
  • If countries couldn’t fight wars with any weapons, what would be a good alternative?
  • If humans could have updates like iPhones, what would the Human12 be like?
  • What game show do you think you’d be the best at?
  • If you went on a 7 day vacation, how many pairs of socks would you bring?
  • What is the creepiest thing you have ever seen with your own eyes?
  • What do you think is the weirdest job in the world?
  • Who do you think you have sent the most texts to in your life?
  • Who do you think you have talked on the phone with the most times?
  • If you could only watch movies/TV, listen to music, or read books for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
  • If you had to wear a clown wig, clown nose, or clown shoes for an entire day, which would you choose?
  • What’s the grossest thing you did as a child?
  • Which would you prefer as a roommate- a ninja, a pirate, or a zombie?
  • If you had to get in a boxing ring, who would be an opponent you could actually beat?
  • If you were in a band, what would the name of the band be?
  • What would be the worst food to sneak into the movie theater?
  • What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever said (or thought)?

Naughty & Dirty Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

woman licking her lips suggestively

So now you’ve spent the entire evening having some deep, thought-provoking chats. The mood has changed and your temperature is steadily rising. You’re ready to shift to a more adult topic…intimacy.    Here are some questions meant to determine if your partner is on the same page as you or at least on the track to get there.

  • Do you brag to your friends about the dirty things we do together?
  • What is your favorite position?
  • Have you ever been in public completely naked?
  • Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
  • Have you ever sent someone nudes?
  • What is your favorite type of foreplay?
  • What is the wildest thing you’ve ever done in the bedroom?
  • What outfit makes you feel the most attractive?
question about turnons
  • What do you think about when you “play with yourself”?
  • What is the sexiest scene from a movie you’ve ever watched?
  • Where is your favorite spot to be kissed?
  • What is your naughtiest fantasy you’ve never tried before?
  • Have you ever kissed another woman?
  • What is your favorite part of my body?
  • What is your favorite toy?
  • Want to play with ourselves in front of each other?
  • Do you watch adult videos? Do you have a favorite one?
  • Do you think about our “intimate times” when you’re at work?
  • What’s the best time of day to do it?
question about food in the bedroom
  • Have you ever been “caught” doing it before?
  • What could I text you that would instantly turn you on?
  • Do you want to make our own “adult video”?
  • Do you have a favorite “adult film” star?
  • Do you like it when I pull your hair?
  • Do you like it when I whisper in your ear?
  • Do you like it when I lightly or roughly kiss your neck?
  • How long was your longest “solo session”?
  • When you are “by yourself” do you prefer the bedroom or bathroom?
  • Do you like to get busy with the lights off or on?
  • Which do you prefer- shower sex or car sex?
  • Where’s the craziest place you’ve ever done something sexual?
  • Would you like to experiment with food in the bedroom?
  • Have you ever wanted to wear a costume during sex?
question about blindfold
  • If you could have a threesome with any two people, who would they be and why?
  • Would you ever want to join the mile high club?
  • Have you ever had naughty “phone talk”?
  • What’s on your sexual bucket list?
  • What happened during your “sexual awakening”?
  • What is your favorite pair of underwear?
  • Have you ever had a “one night stand”?
  • Do you consider yourself a good girl or a bad girl?
  • Do you prefer to give or receive?
  • How many partners have you had?
  • Have you ever been intimate with someone you worked with?
  • Have you ever had a conversation about the “birds and the bees”?
  • Have you ever accidentally yelled someone else’s name while getting busy?
  • What is the biggest non-sexual thing that still turns you on?

Deep Conversation Starters

woman thinking about a question

There are those moments when you and your partner feel that you could talk all night long. Imagine sitting in front of a fire while sipping a hot toddy, hot chocolate or can of Ensure if that’s your thing. How can you keep those conversations going? You begin by asking deep, probing questions.  Here are some to start you off.

  • What do you think happens after we die?
  • Do you think that life exists on other planets?
  • What do you want to be remembered for?
  • Have you ever had a paranormal experience?
  • Do you believe God exists? How does that affect you in your daily life?
  • What is your favorite piece of art?
  • What would your TEDTalk be about?
  • What is the biggest “superstition” you actually believe is true?
  • Do you know how to meditate? Have you ever wanted to learn?
  • If you could talk to your 5, 15, & 25 year old self- what would you say?
  • Do you think dreams affect our waking lives?
  • Do you think time travel is possible? Why or why not?
  • Where is the most mysterious place on Earth?
  • Are human beings inherently selfish creatures?
  • If you could change one current law, what would it be?
  • If you could create one new law, what would it be?
  • Which US president has had the most impact on the world?
  • Will human beings ever go extinct?
  • How would you commit the perfect crime?
  • What warms your soul?
  • How do you think you will die?
  • What is your biggest fear?
  • Do animals experience emotions like humans do?
  • What celebrity death impacted you the most?
  • In 50 years for now, what will people be nostalgic for?
  • What is a conspiracy theory you actually think is true?
  • If your autobiography was only one sentence, what would it be?
  • What is the most important social issue in the world right now?
  • Do you think people can change?
  • What existed before the universe began?
  • Would you consider yourself to be a moral or ethical person?
  • Do you judge people immediately when you meet them? For what?
  • When someone’s drunk do you feel like they become like a truer version of themselves?
  • What will future generations look back on and judge this generation for?
200+ Questions to Ask your Girlfriend (From Cute to Naughty)

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